History in Hsinchu

Ms. Wyant's Course Blog for all assignments related to Psychology, US Government, World History and Art Appreciation at IBSH

Paris Climate Change Conference

Paris Climate Change Conference
The Eiffel Tower with No Plan B slogan

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Assignments December 14-December 21 2011

See my new Picture Blog at:  http://mswyantsdynamichistorypictureblog.blogspot.com/

AP Psychology:  Study the Memory Chapter for a quiz on Thursday, December 14.  This will be your last optional quiz.  See the notes linked to my blog.  Read Chapters 10 and 11.  There will be a Thinking and Language Note quiz on Monday, December 19.

World History:

Read Chapters 8 and 14-Relate Chapter 8 to the Amistad handout.  The Shogun questions are due on Monday,  December 19.

AP Art History:  There will be quiz on Renaissance Art Techniques and Cultural Influences on Friday, December 16.  The Topics are:  The Role of Religious Art in Counter-Reformation Italy, Disegno, Perspective,  Printmaking,  Pigments and Panels,  Fresco Painting,  Mannerism, The International Art Style (Chapter 7)  Poesia, Colorito (Venice)  I will choose some paintings and you will explain the technique used in the painting.  (We will practice this in class)