History in Hsinchu

Ms. Wyant's Course Blog for all assignments related to Psychology, US Government, World History and Art Appreciation at IBSH

Paris Climate Change Conference

Paris Climate Change Conference
The Eiffel Tower with No Plan B slogan

Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome Back to School!

Class Assignments September 10-20, 2013


 Answer the  class questions about whether you are right brained, left brained or whole brained.  Which way to you bat a ball, write, kick a ball, eat?  Based on these answers see which brain controls you and mail these answers to me at ejwyant2003@yahoo.com

Read the Prologue and Chapter 1 and complete the Study Guide questions.  Finish Chapter 1  Study Guides by this Friday if you have not already done so.

Draw illustrated anatomy pictures corresponding to the following pages in your Chapter 2 reading:

Figure 2.2 (A Motor Neuron) p. 55, Nerve firing p. 56, Figure 2.4 How Neurons Communicate,  p. 57, Agonists and Antagonists p. 60,  Figure 2.7, The Nervous System, p. 61, Figure 2.8, The Peripheral Nervous System, p.62,  Figure 2.9, A Simple Reflex, p.63,  Figure 2.10, A Simplified Neural Network, p.64, Figure 2.11, The Endocrine System p. 66, Figure 2.16, The Brainstem and Thalamus, p. 71,  Figure 2.18, The Limbic System p. 72,  Figure 2.23, Brain structures and their functions, p. 75, Figure 2.25, The Cerebral Cortex, p. 76,  Figure 2.26, Left Hemisphere Tissue devoted to each Body Part, p. 77, Figure 2.32, Specialization and Integration of  Language, 81.,  and   Figure 2.32, The Information Highway from Eye to Brain p. 84

Answer the Study Guide Questions for Chapter 2 by Tuesday, September 17.

Go to the Autism/Asbergers Website linked to this blog and use this material to answer the questions about the Einstein Effect.  These questions are also linked to this blog.  These questions are due on Wednesday, September 18.

Complete the Activity Packet Questions by Friday, September 20.

AP World History:  Read and Outline or Take Notes on Chapter 1.  I NEED TO SEE:   YOUR HIGHLIGHTING, YOUR OUTLINE OF CHAPTER MATERIAL, AND A LIST OF KEY PEOPLE OR DATES THAT YOU NOTED.    Draw the Maps from the Chapter 1  on the Maps I provided you.

Pick ten identifications or terms to define.  Give a date, what the item is, and why it is important.  Type this exercise.

Art Appreciation:  Bring your Computers to class and work on the TWO oral presentation assignments that you received.

U.S. Government: 

Read Chapters 1 and 2.   Register on  Edmodo.  I will explain how to do this.

Bring your Computers to class and read ONE article on the Republican or Democratic party-either from Fox  News (Republicans) or  NPR, CNN, or MSNBC (Democrats)