History in Hsinchu

Ms. Wyant's Course Blog for all assignments related to Psychology, US Government, World History and Art Appreciation at IBSH

Paris Climate Change Conference

Paris Climate Change Conference
The Eiffel Tower with No Plan B slogan

Friday, September 25, 2009

Exam Review Guidelines

World History

Use the sample exam to review two subjects:  Indentured Servitude and the American Trade Triangle in the 15th-16th centuries.   Also review the history of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

European History

Review the Notes on on the French Revolution.  Be prepared for a French Revolution DBQ

Art History:

Review the sample exam.  Study the review Exam picture file, and pick one self-portrait of  your own to contrast with the Rembrandt self-portrait.

Reading Tasks:

World History:  Read through Chapter 25.

European History:  Read through Chapter 25.

Art History:  Read through Chapter 12.

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