History in Hsinchu

Ms. Wyant's Course Blog for all assignments related to Psychology, US Government, World History and Art Appreciation at IBSH

Paris Climate Change Conference

Paris Climate Change Conference
The Eiffel Tower with No Plan B slogan

Monday, December 14, 2015

Assignments:  December 15-21, 2015

AP Psychology:  Work on paper thesis and short essays on Helen Keller and the Matrix.  There will be a quiz on States of Consciousness, Development and Learning MC on Friday, December 18.

AP World History:  Answer the questions on the primary document insets in Chapter 10.  There will be a quiz on the Scientific Revolution on Friday December 18.

Art Appreciation:  Be ready to present on your  building comparison on Friday, December 18.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Assignments: September 14-21 2015

AP Psychology:  Be ready to discuss and draw chart of  Savants on Tuesday.  There will be quiz on brain terms on Wednesday.  Read the handouts on the brain.

AP World History:  Memorize the dates on the date handout.   There will be a quiz on these dates on Friday.  See the files linked to this blog on ancient Sumer and Egypt to answer the questions on Thursday.

Art Appreciation:  Answer the Harryhausen questions by Friday.  Be ready to  present your art form on Monday

Monday, June 15, 2015

Review Guidelines Fourth Quarter Final Exams

World History:   Review the maps and the primary sources linked to this blog.

Art History:  Review the presentations linked to Edmodo.

Monday, April 20, 2015

 Fourth Quarter Final Exams Revew Guidelines

 World History:  
Review the maps-linked to this page, and the primary documents linked to this page for the final exam.

Art History:  Review the presentations linked to Edmodo for the final exam.