History in Hsinchu

Ms. Wyant's Course Blog for all assignments related to Psychology, US Government, World History and Art Appreciation at IBSH

Paris Climate Change Conference

Paris Climate Change Conference
The Eiffel Tower with No Plan B slogan

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Assignments: September 14-September 20, 2011

AP Psychology:
Read Chapter 3 for this THURSDAY, September 15.   Be prepared for a Quiz W/O notes on Chapter 2 on Monday, September 20.

World History

Assignment for Friday, September 16: Both 11A and B:  Make sure you have read Chapter 3, paying attention to the bolded words.  There will be a quiz on the bolded words in Chapter 3 on Monday, September 20.

Make an outline and thesis statement for your Hero essay.  Answer this question:  To what extent does Hero advocate that a modern Chinese citizen should rebel against the Communist government?   See my sample thesis statements linked to this blog.  Choose a  side and reword your thesis statement in your own words.  Then outline your main points using the OUTLINE FORMAT already linked to this blog.  This assignment should be ONE PAGE, DOUBLE-SPACED, and typed.

AP Art History:
There will be a recognition quiz on Chapter 1 images on FRIDAY,  September 14. You will have to know the date, the title or place of the work, and the artist, if applicable. See the linked picture file on this blog. You may also copy these images to your thumbdrive.   Read Chapter 3 in the textbook.

MUN Activity:

Summarize in one page-typed/double-spaced,  Taiwan's sovereignty problem and the UN's role in helping to solve this issue of Taiwan's future-as an independent nation, or as a province of China.

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